Sponsoring and exhibition opportunities

Showcase your activities, services, and products during our World Planning Congress to an international audience composed of policymakers, practitioners, the private sector, academics, municipal representatives and the civil society. Whether your organisation is looking for new frontiers in international cooperation and business opportunities, or your city would like to exhibit best practices, 'Planning unlocked: New times, better places, stronger communities' will be a unique opportunity to reach out to a global network of urban experts.

Market Profile

  • ISOCARP members worldwide
  • Private sector: technology-oriented organisations, consultancies, architecture, and urban planning firms
  • Public sector: national, regional and local authorities, municipal urban planning departments
  • Knowledge institutions: universities, research and innovation centres, publishers
  • Civil society and advocacy
  • International organisations and development banks

For more information on sponsoring, download the Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities brochure or contact Martin Dubbeling, ISOCARP President, via president@isocarp.org.


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