
DISCLAIMER: At the moment, we plan to hold a hybrid congress, with both in-person and virtual components for presenters and attendees. The in-person congress will take place in Doha, Qatar on 8-11 November 2021. For more information on the virtual components of the programme, please visit this page

Submission of Full Contributions

The Result of Abstract Selection for the first call for contributions was sent to all primary authors on July 1, 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to upload their paper on the platform until 15 September 2021 (10:00 PM UTC).

Submission requirements depend on your selected type of submission. If you do not remember your submission type, you will find it in the acceptance letter or on your congress account. All submissions should comply with the content and formatting requirements indicated in the Submission Guidelines

Key dates:

UPDATED: 15 August 2021 (10 PM UTC): Deadline for Abstract Submission (second call for abstracts)

31 August 2021 (10 PM UTC): Final date for authors to register and pay in order to be included in the Congress Programme and Proceedings

15 September 2021 (10 PM UTC): Submission of the full contribution (full paper, presentation for case study/project, details of the proposed session); for the second call for abstracts, this is the final date for authors to register and pay in order to be included in the Congress Programme and Proceedings

Submission type "Research Paper"

You have to submit a Full Paper until 15 September 2021 to be able to include it in the digital Congress Proceedings. The accepted "Research Paper" submissions will be published and included in ISOCARP's searchable paper platform. A digital object identifier (DOI) will be provided for each submitted research paper. It is mandatory to use our template and follow the guidelines.

Submission type "Case Study Report"

If you submitted an abstract for a Case Study Report, you do not have to write a paper report, but we highly recommend you submit one so it can be included in the proceedings. If you decide to submit a paper report, you need to use the designated template and upload it until 15 September 2021. Otherwise, you will still have to submit a draft presentation of your case study report by 15 September 2021. This will help the Congress Team to prepare coherent sessions. You may eventually revise your presentation later. Please read the guidelines and follow the outline in the recommended presentation template.

Submission type "Session Proposal"

The submissions for session proposals will be handled differently. ISOCARP Secretariat will get in touch with the session organisers directly and coordinate with them regarding the length, format, and schedules. Eventually, session proposers will have to submit a Note or Terms of Reference for their session via the online platform. It is mandatory to use our template.

>>Instructions to submit your full paper 

>>Instructions to submit an abstract

If you have any questions, please contact us via

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