Frank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary GeneralĀ 

"The only way out of the triple crisis (biodiversity-climate-health) is a planned way. The 57th World Planning Congress in Doha will provide a platform to unlock the potential of a different kind and way of place-based planning for a more sustainable future of planet and people"

As a sustainability planner, I cannot wait to see the new city-regions emerging from the smouldering ashes of a broken system, exposed by the triple crisis threatening human longevity on this wonderful blue planet. A city powered by renewable energies where citizens move around by walking, cycling and using affordable high-quality public transport. The transition into the post-covid city won't happen overnight though - it will require thoughtful place-based planning and change management. The International Society of City and Regional Planners provides a unique platform to cross-fertilize urban theory and praxis. The 57th World Planning Congress will mark a milestone to make happen what was once unimaginable and then inevitable, spurred by an unprecedented global health, economic and environmental crisis.


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