Women in Planning Events

Women in Planning : 'Shared Journeys and Coffee'

Schedule: 10 November 2021 | Awbal Room | 7:00 - 9:00 AM AST

Background : Women-in-Planning at the WPC a 'first

At this World Planning Congress in Doha, ISOCARP is holding in-person Women-in-Planning events, by and for women, for the first time in ISOCARP's history! The events are bringing together professional women in planning and placemaking from across the world, from different ages and diverse fields including practitioners, academics, public servants, government officials, young planning professionals, and students. The informal events act as a source for inspiration, exchange, learning and international leverage and offer a unique opportunity for meeting in-person, building support and networking friendships. The events on the 9th and 10th of November are jointly organised by ISOCARP and the Ministry of Municipalities and Environment of Qatar, and warmly supported by the women keynote speakers of the congress. 

'Shared Journeys and Coffee' event programme

A morning networking event where women planners and placemakers share their personal experience and professional journeys or a specific perspective. Includes keynote speakers, women planners from ISOCARP and MME. A unique opportunity for participants to hear inspiring stories from speakers representing different regions, ages and histories. Followed by Q&A and discussion over coffee/tea.

7:30 – 7:40Meet and greet over coffee/tea. Welcome by women in planning
7:40 – 7:45Introduction

Elisabeth Belpaire, Executive Board member ISOCARP

Representative, MME

7:45 – 7:55Short reflection & key takeaways from the 'Walk and Talkevent
Ice breaker moderated by ISOCARP Women in Planning
7:55 – 8:307 women in planning share their experience, professional journeys, perspectives

Eleanor Mohammed, President, Commonwealth Association of Planners
Caroline Bos, Co-founder UNStudio
Maryam Hussain, Head of Planning MME
Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha, Professor of Town and Regional Planning, University of Kazulu-Natal
Kate Holmquist, Principal WerkSTADT Ubran Planning + Development
Badria Kaffoud (TBC)
Fatima Al Sahlaoe (TBC)
8:30 - 8:45Q&A and moderated discussion by ISOCARP Women in Planning
8:45 - 8:50Key points group discussions and closing


Registration preferred, but not required: here 

We are looking forward to welcoming and connecting with you!

Women in Planning : 'Walk and Talk'

Schedule: 11 November 2021 | Meeting Point | 7:00 - 9:00 AM AST

Background : Women-in-Planning at the WPC a 'first

At this World Planning Congress in Doha, ISOCARP is holding in-person Women-in-Planning events, by and for women, for the first time in ISOCARP's history!  The events are bringing together professional women in planning and placemaking from across the world, from different ages and diverse fields including practitioners, academics, public servants, government officials, young planning professionals, and students.  The informal events act as a source for inspiration, exchange, learning and international leverage and offer a unique opportunity for meeting in-person, building support and networking friendships. The events on the 9th and 10th of November are jointly organised by ISOCARP and the Ministry of Municipalities and Environment of Qatar, and warmly supported by the women keynote speakers of the congress. 

'Walk and Talk' event programme

This early morning event is an opportunity to kickstart the day with an inspiring walk through the unique Msheireb neighbourhood. During the walk participants will explore and reflect on a number of topics in smaller breakout groups moderated by selected women planners, including a congress keynote speaker. The trip includes a coffee break and will end at the congress venue in time for the Plenary Session at 9am.


7:30 – 7:40
Meet and greet at meeting point. Welcome by women in planning
7:40 – 7:45


Elisabeth Belpaire, Board ISOCARP and representative, MME

7:45 – 8:45

'Walk and Talk' through the Msheireb neighbourhood 

Dialogues guided by women in planning 

-Eleanor Mohammed, President CAP, congress keynote

-Elisabeth Belpaire, Kate Holmquist, Hope Magidimisha, Huda Shaka, ISOCARP

-Lolwa Alkhaldi, Fatma ALbader, Aisha AlKuwari, Ghada Futtais, AlMaha Alyafaei, Harini Septiana, MME

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