Video Recording and Live Presentation Guidelines

The parallel sessions of the Congress will be a combination of live and pre-recorded presentations. All speakers/presenting authors are expected to present live and participate actively during their session. Presenting authors (except session proposers and speakers for special sessions) are requested to pre-record their presentations and upload the same on their accounts. These pre-recorded videos may be used in case speakers are unable to present live due to critical time zone issues and technical issues. All (live) parallel sessions will be recorded for archiving and will remain accessible to all registered attendees. 

I. Recording and Submitting your Pre-recorded Presentation 


  • 20 October 2021 (10:00 PM UTC): Submission deadline for the presentation file and/or pre-recorded video of virtual-only delegates scheduled to present in one of the virtual-only parallel sessions on 28-29 October 2021 and 9 November 2021.
  • 31 October 2021 (10:00 PM UTC): Submission deadline for the presentation file of in-person congress delegates scheduled to present in one of the in-person parallel sessions in Doha, Qatar on 8-11 November 2021. 

Submission Requirements

IMPORTANT: The official language of the Congress is English.

Presenting authors should submit: 1) the pre-recorded video file** (in .mp4) and 2) the presentation file (in .ppt or .pdf in 16:9 slide format). The video presentations should be sent with the following specifications:

  • Time: Your presentation should NOT be any longer than 8 minutes.
  • File size: 100MB max
  • Video file format: .mp4
  • Dimensions: minimum height 480 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Resolution: 720p HD max
  • File name: Submission ID of the contribution, Track number, and the full name of the presenting author (i.e., ISO123_T1_FirstnameLastname)

Recording should include a presentation of prepared slides with audio. It is highly recommended to include a picture-in-picture (PIP) video window visibly showing the presenting author. For papers and case studies with multiple authors, we recommend having only one author on the recording. Please be sure to include in the video presentation the title of the paper, the track number, and the name of the authors.

The files need to be uploaded using the account on the Congress website you submitted an abstract with on or before the indicated deadline above. The step-by-step instructions to upload the files are available here. If you miss the deadline, we cannot guarantee that your video file will be available in your session. 

**By sending us a pre-recorded video, speakers/presenting authors agree to the use of the provided information for the organization of Congress in accordance with the Privacy Policy of ISOCARP. The aforementioned pre-recorded videos will be available during the entire duration of the congress. 

Recording Tips and Guidelines

  • Record your video in a quiet environment and speak calmly and clearly
  • Avoid areas that have an echo (i.e., choose a small room, preferably with carpets or curtains as these deaden sound reflection and muffle noise)
  • Use a headset with the microphone about an inch from the side of your mouth, but not touching it. Try to avoid using the default built-in microphone on the computer.
  • Do record only in landscape/horizontal mode. Position yourself centrally in front of the camera and ensure that your face is sufficiently lightened; avoid strong light from the background. The best quality can be achieved by asking someone to assist and stand/sit in front of the camera with a neutral background or outside for better light.
  • Audio quality: Do a review of the sound and picture quality on other devices. If you only record a video, you will most likely record audio and video jointly, so choose a device that combines both in good quality. To allow for later editing, try to do some pauses; most importantly in the beginning and end to avoid cut-offs, but also in the middle. This allows to edit several recordings into the best version. 

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation.  You may show your face via webcam (if you prefer) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording, and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

II. Presenting your Paper/Case Study Virtually

All virtual sessions will be hosted via Zoom and will be accessible through the website's detailed programme. Presenting authors will be able to share their screen and present their paper or case study in any format they prefer, as long as it is within the allowable time. The session chairs may also suggest a presentation format and inform the presenting authors ahead of time.


Content and Duration: Track chairs are responsible for allocating speaker times. Ideally, live presentations should run for a maximum of 10-12 minutes unless arranged differently by the track chairs. While this seems short, the idea is to make a succinct presentation with the main takeaway points which will serve as an introduction to convince the audience to read your paper/case study report. Hence, the focus should be on the most interesting element of your work. It will not be feasible to squeeze in too much information in such a short time. Speakers are requested to strictly adhere to their allocated time slots.  

Audience: Congress participants are expected to include academics, planning practitioners, and policymakers. City leaders and politicians are also invited to speak during the plenary events. 

Presentations: For those using PowerPoint in their presentation, please use the 16:9 slide format and ensure that you provide all relevant references and proper attributions. You may also use the recommended presentation template that we provided on the website. Note that all materials will be accessible online to all registered participants even after the Congress. Therefore, please do not include sensitive information that cannot be shared publicly. 

Presenting Author/Speaker: As in the pre-recorded video guidelines, we request live presenters to keep it to one presenter only. If you have more than one person who would like to present, consider if you can break it into two different topics. For example, one presenter delivers a 4-minute presentation of the methodology, and a second person does the same discussing the outcomes.

During the virtual parallel session, you will be sharing your screen with the audience. Have in mind that your picture-in-picture video window will be also visible on the screen. To make sure your virtual presentation goes smoothly, you must:

  • be online and available 15 minutes before the session.
  • have a reliable and fast internet connection.
  • test your microphone and video camera.
  • test your slides 
  • have a non-distracting environment around you during the presentation.

Zoom Virtual Background: You may use virtual backgrounds as you prefer. You may also download here the official virtual background for the ISOCARP 2021 Congress. Please note that this feature works best with green physical background and in a room with sufficient lighting. Check out the instructions to set up Zoom virtual backgrounds via this link. 

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