This paper investigates the possible influence of the operation of Doha Metro on travel mode choice behavior in Doha City, Qatar. The metro will play an important role in easing the movement of residents and visitors to Doha city during the FIFA World Cup 2022 and in achieving Qatar Vision 2030. The current airport travel mode choice in the city and the future mode choice behavior after introducing the metro were analyzed as a case study to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of Doha Metro to attract travelers. Revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) survey questionnaires were designed to collect the necessary data. Discrete choice binary logit and multinomial logit models were utilized to analyze the data on the current and future mode choice, respectively. Various trip characteristics were found to be significant in determining mode choice, including number of travelers and bags, journey time, cost of the trip, and reimbursement of parking fees. In addition, different socio-economic characteristics proved to be significant for the current and future mode choice, including nationality, income, age, employment status, and vehicle ownership. Different transportation policies based on results of the analysis can be formulated to enhance the current and future public transportation network.