Type Research Paper Keywords Urban Planning, Post-conflict/colonialism/occupation, State Building, Counter Planning, Resistance Planning, Alternative Planning Track(s) Resilience and Adaptability, Smartness and Development, Uniqueness and Connectivity, Inclusiveness and Empowerment Brief Description of the Problem Re-thinking alternative planning methodologies, cooperation and activities, which would counter the colonial / occupation master plans (the official, informal/unpublished and private initiatives plans), and help raise resilience of local indigenous native residents. Background Data references The 2 state solution, The status quo, the urban planning instruments, facts on ground Short outline 1. Status quo of planning in Palestine (occupied and areas of Jerusalem, and surroundings under jurisdiction of Palestinian Authority), 2. Alien instruments of planning, its effects, scenes and productions, 3. Alternative methodologies of planning, 4. Rethinking concepts and set of recommendations References 1. Several Human rights organizations, including OCHA, B’Tselem, Al-Haq, Amnesty and others. 2. Old Maps: The Survey of Palestine – The British Mandate over Palestine. 3. Visualizing Palestine infographics and maps Scholarly Reference Own Master Thesis in Spanish: “Opportunities of Urban Development in the Palestinian City in Time of Post-Occupation”. Argentina, March 2020. [http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/89635] Academic Professors References Dr. Arch. Yasid Rifa’i, Birzeit University, Palestine. Ex-head of Architectural Department, Dean of Arts Dr. Arch. Juan Carlos Etulain, National University of La Plata, Argentina Methodologies of Investigation 1. Analysis of old and new materials, texts, visual data of old and rare photos, maps and surveys. 2. Analysis and study of statistical data, of population, lands, areas, etc 3. Creative projection of planning methodologies