The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of post-socialist transit on spatial equality in Moscow. By spatial equality, we mean the availability of citizens to everyday services and amenities that are provided by private companies and public authorities. We aim to research what spatial patterns modern Moscow has inherited from socialism, how spatial inequality reveals itself in the different city’s zones. This research aims to develop studies of inequality and inclusion problems in XXI century global cities. The topic of spatial segregation in cities of Global South and Global North is discussed in academic journals. The study of Mexico City shows that income segregation leads to an unequal supply of goods and services, so a significant part of the population is deprived of access to important collective goods. In poor areas, not only is accessibility (measured in quantitative terms) worse, but the quality of services and goods provided is also lower (Ruiz-Rivera et al, 2016). The class structure of London is studied in a spatial framework (Cunningham, Savage, 2017; Manley, Johnston, 2014). The methodology of the study includes the following: 1) Development of an expert grid for spatial analysis – about 1000 cells, due to the lack of census tracts or their analogs in Russia. 2) Use of data on prices for residential real estate as a substitute for the incomes of the citizens since such information is not published in Russia. 3) Use of data on residential and non-residential buildings. 4) Use of spatial data analysis – hot spot analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) for cluster identification and research of spatial patterns in modern Moscow with data about citizens’ employment, real estate prices, and accessibility of local goods. 5) Use of a linear regression lets us to evaluate significance of various spatial factors for accessibility of local goods as road density, population, building development, citizens’ employment, the quality of housing, etc. Planned study results: 1) Zoning of Moscow was carried out on the basis of hot spot analysis with the purpose of revealing the territories having different level of accessibility to everyday services and amenities. 2) We will prove that contemporary uneven development in Moscow connects with uneven development in socialist period. Elite and non-elite settlement zones are revealed and identified, especially marginalized zones and zones linked with citizens’ employment. The analysis shows that the Soviet social stratification of society, expressed through the spatial distribution of population groups – primarily factory workers, elite groups and intellectuals, exists even after a quarter of a century has an impact on the vote. 3) We plan to determine how the adaptation of different forms of socialist development affects the level of accessibility to everyday services and amenities. In Moscow, there are several forms of development: the early mass industrial housing (1957-1965) – this is mainly the middle zone of the city, the late Soviet mass housing (1965-1991), built mainly with the help of greenfield development on the outskirts of the city, and post-socialist residential areas built with the help of greenfield development, brownfield development and infill development. In addition, the Central business district, which includes both a historical city and residential areas, will be analyzed. Referneces: Ruiz-Rivera N., Suarez M., Delgado-Campos J. (2016). Urban Segregation and Local Retail Environments. Evidence from Mexico City. Habitat International. - No 5. – pp. 58-64. Cunningham N., Savage M. (2017) An intensifying and elite city, City, Vol. 21. No. 1. – pp. 25-46. David Manley D., Johnston R. (2014). London: A dividing city, 2001–11? City, Vol. 18. No. 6. – pp. 633-643.