Green urban frameworks in Russian cities: history, methodology and perspectives. Kazan case study.

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Modern Russia inherited the focus on extensive growth from the USSR, where the emphasis in planning was placed on new industrial capacities. The construction of new urban housing is the main priority in Russia now. Several national projects are currently being implemented in Russia, one of which is “Housing and Urban Environment”. It claims for one billion square meters of housing to be built by 2030. Cities’ General plans are aimed primarily at the development of outskirts and natural suburban territories, which contributes to the rapid urban sprawl. The Green Urban Agenda has been implemented for a long time through the efforts of activists and remained outside the attention of the authorities. It was the result of the volunteers’ and the professional community’s consistent work that brought the issue of urban climate adaptation to a new level. Official climate policy is mainly aimed at working with businesses and controlling carbon emissions; national projects are hardly synchronized with each other in matters of protecting natural resources. There is an explosive interest in the creation of blue-green urban frameworks now. A local green deal begins with the planning of recreation facilities and is based on the active position of citizens opposing the development of natural areas. In Russian cities, unlike most European ones, natural environment is still preserved in the urban fabriс. At the same time, there is no federal law that regulates urban green-blue networks. Such norms can be worked out by each region, but still many of them do without it. Green frame planning issues are practically not disclosed in the requirements for general plan elaboration. Russian cities have a great opportunity to learn the lessons from the experience of their European colleagues without harming themselves. Russian experts working in urban development programs have teamed up with the French Landscape Federation and the Russian Ministry of Construction to create a methodology. Three pilot cities Kazan, Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar are working out mechanisms for the design, implementation, maintenance and administrative regulation of a new urbo-ecological framework approach. For Kazan, a city on the Volga River 1000 kilometers east of Moscow, such a global task has become a logical continuation of already implemented projects for the arrangement of recreational, public and natural areas. The city has implemented administrative interdisciplinary Teams to work on natural areas from the stage of discussing the territory for creation or restoration to design, from implementation to subsequent exploitation, to work with city activists, to search for new forms and methods of joint work. Over the past 10 years, Kazan, interacting with activists and environmentalists, has successfully implemented projects from small lakes improvement to the coastal areas strategies. Numerous Examples: Lake Kharovoe; Gorky Park; Uritsky Park; Oak grove; Lake Kaban; creating a strategy for the Kazanka River floodplain; creating a separate map of the natural complex at the level of the city's general plan with maximum protection of existing zones. Now it is necessary to create such a mechanism for the formation of a continuous urban-ecological framework, the main task of which will be to synchronize all urban projects - from the repair of underground communications to the construction of new social and commercial objects. The main value of which will be the residents’ health . And also to give the highest level of priority to this urban mechanism over the existing city planning documents.
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4: Resilience and adaptability. Al-Waha: promoting glocal solutions
expert in Urban planning
Traffic control center of Moscow Government
deputy chief architect of the city of Kazan
Kazan city architecture and planning office

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