Luanda in the era of Covid 19 - Urban and architectural planning, its adaptability to the new way of life.

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Track 3 Smartness and development Al-Souq: innovating for performance and management Luanda in the era of Covid 19 - Urban and architectural planning, its adaptability to the new way of life. Luanda is the capital of the Republic of Angola, is located on Sub-Saharan Africa, was occupied, and later colonized by the Portuguese in the period from 1576 to 1975 and has been independent since 1975. With the gains of oil Angola has been balancing its economy, providing some development in its cities, in the formation of new staff, in area of urbanism and architecture and other branches of society. These gains in the field of architecture and urbanism made it possible to develop urban plans for the Island of Luanda, the Marginal de Luanda, the Luanda Metropolitan General Master Plan (PDGML) and beyond, which gradually turn out to be regulatory mechanisms in the planning and urban management of the city. In view of this, there has been an increase in buildings in the city of Luanda since 2002 with state-of-the-art technologies, as a clear sample of this development. After the year 2020 and the emergence of Covid 19, drastic changes in the way of life of the population and a bottleneck to development are seen again in terms of planning and urbanism with the emergence of confinement. We propose here to explain what changes are seen in the lives of Angolans and what behavior is verified about aspects related to urban planning and architecture in the province of Luanda, as well as what behavior has been verified in the city? Keywords: urban planning, architecture, oil, Covid 19 and Luanda. Regarding architectural production, the country registered a booming development with a greater incidence for the city of Luanda, where the marginal arrangement (2012) and the production of housing for the population in the period between 2002 and 2017 and a greater care in the production of buildings for public institutions in the Angolan State. With these, other projects appear in the historic center of the city of Luanda, especially after the construction of the new SONANGOL headquarters, followed by others in the oil sector, with emphasis on ESSO and TOTAL (CORREIA, 2012). With the appearance of the first case of Covid 19 of a passenger coming from Lisbon on March 19th of 2020, a fact that led to his death, he began a panic never seen in the city that prevented the population from leaving home. The fear of businessmen and housewives about the contamination by Covid 19 by their employees, were dismissed and it was found that the most affected were individuals who traveled outside the country or returned to the country. Yes, they are contaminating their families and contacts. There was then a relaxation on the part of these Angolans in their neighborhoods. If, on the one hand, city dwellers only left the street for matters of priority, on the other hand the population of those neighborhoods furthest from the historic center of the city of Luanda, stopped wearing masks, went back to circulating in the streets without any fear of contamination despite the appeals of the people, authorities. What is the dilemma of Angolans in the most developed neighborhoods in the city of Luanda and the relaxation of many in the poorest neighborhoods? What consequences have been seen in these neighborhoods and what lesson can be passed on to the world? What is the role of the Angolan State in this situation?
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3: Smartness and development. Al-Souq: innovating for performance and management
PhD Architect and Urbanist

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