Slow Traffic Connectivity in Jakarta

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In a fast-growing metropolitan city like Jakarta, the traffic is overloaded by motorized vehicles. People mostly using cars or online transportation for commuting. Although the cities established public transport systems for almost two decades, with BRT, recently MRT already operating, and coming LRT system will be operating, Jakarta still facing a big problem in increasing public transportation use, especially the 1st mile and last mile of urban commuting. People still struggling to get to the nearest stop or station, either they need to take other transportation modes or they need to walk more than 1km. With the daily door-to-door behavior, this problem needs to be solved to increase urban mobility and convenience in daily commuting. This case study will illustrate how enhancing slow traffic connectivity is a plausible solution for the 1st mile and last mile in the transport system, so it will enhance the efficiency of the transport network and yet increase the quality of public health. The case will describe the existing slow traffic available and also an approach to enhance in slow traffic system in the transportation network in Jakarta by learning from best practices around the world in terms of physical design, urban policy, and integration to the existing transportation network.
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5: Uniqueness and connectivity. Al-Baraha: unlocking urban futures
Urban Design Manager

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