Complex development model of a new city (Sakhalin, Russia)

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The objectives of the Study were a comprehensive assessment of the urban planning potential and limitations of the development of a new city, the definition of its borders, the formation of key principles, parameters and a comprehensive model of the development of a new city. One of the tasks of the Study was the subsequent preparation of a detailed Technical Task for the development of the concept of a new city in Sakhalin Region in the framework of Open international competition. The new city is planned to be created on the territory of the Korsakov city district of the Sakhalin region with an area of about 1.2 thousand hectares. Korsakov is one of the key elements for Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk agglomeration, it is located 35 km from the capital of the region, where the main air and passenger traffic flow is concentrated. The development of transport and logistics infrastructure, as well as the associated development of the production cluster and business determine the prospect of creating a new Ecopolis city. By 2030, it is planned to increase the population of Korsakov by 25,000 inhabitants, to build at least a million m2 of medium-rise residential facilities using energy-saving technologies «smart house» and «smart city». The project of the new city should maximize the unique and multifaceted potential of the island, taking into account all planning restrictions: seismic activity, tsunamis, attrition, avalanches, mudflows, floods, ravines. In order to determine the place and role of the future new town in the development system of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk agglomeration, the main factors influencing the formation of agglomeration and the resilience of the new city were determined:  Transport accessibility.  Daily labor and episodic migration.  Unified systems of mutual cooperation among in the tourist industry.  The degree of economic and legal interconnected relationships of economic entities of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and surrounding settlements.  Mental city boundaries. Analysis of the intensity of connections made it possible to determine the boundaries of the "real city", as well as to highlight the hierarchy of territorial connectivity and create tasks for the planned urban transport framework. The research identified four components of harmonic development of the territory, based on the concept of sustainable development were determined:  Human capital.  Environment.  Economy.  Immaterial capital (identity). The proposed Ecopolis model is duocentric — the main residential areas are located between two centers, which provides a high level of accessibility between the main residential and non-residential functions. The optimal functional model was chosen taking into account the morphology of the active relief and the planning constraints of the site and is variable and assumes the relationship of elements. An important element in the development of a comprehensive model for the development of a new city was to take into account the opinions of key investors and stakeholders. As priority zones, in addition to public and residential clusters, the following are defined:  SakhalinTECH innovation and technology cluster.  Sports and recreational cluster.  Social and business cluster.  Research, production and transport and logistics complex Korsakov Port. An important part of the work was an anthropological study, in which the main portraits of future residents of the city were determined on the basis of prevailing life values. Model of the new city also includes proposals for the balance of territories, recommended building morphotypes, the phased implementation of the project and others. The proposed model will make it possible to create an Ecopolis as a progressive, innovative, environmentally friendly, multicultural city, a transport and logistics hub, a scientific and educational center integrated into world economy.
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5: Uniqueness and connectivity. Al-Baraha: unlocking urban futures
The Agency for Strategic Development CENTER
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The Agency for Strategic Development CENTER

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