After 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have demonstrated their espoused values. Compounding issues of sustainable development, globalization, equity and mobility have been exacerbated. The role of planning and public administration will be critically examined through a systems approach, addressing shifts to understanding agile planning, governance and risk management during pandemics and future global disasters. Discussing countries like New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Qatar and UAE’s approach to both pandemic management, including economic stabilizers, COVID precautions and restrictions, while building smart and sustainable housing and transportation infrastructure at a faster pace than western society Examining governance patterns and best practices in resilient infrastructure planning, this effect on COVID-19 response, and considerations for governance and which models are best practices for adoption in the great COVID-19 reset will be examined critically in this session. These countries are multicultural societies and are dealing with racial awakenings while addressing urgent issues of equity and climate change during a global pandemic. COVID-19 is reckoning a great reset of cities and metropolitan areas, what governance looks like in prioritizing public good and how this governance affects regional resilience to disasters and future pandemics. Examining governance patterns and best practices in resilient infrastructure planning, this effect on COVID-19 response, and considerations for governance and which models are best practices for adoption in the great COVID-19 reset will be examined critically in this session.