Location-based Workshops ASPIRE Zone
Nov 09, 2021 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM(Asia/Qatar)
20211109T1100 20211109T1800 Asia/Qatar Doha | Location-based Workshops | Track 2: ASPIRE

Track 2 : Well-Being and Health

Location: Aspire 

Workshop Schedule:

10:45 - 11:00 

Assembly time


Bus departure to Aspire

11:30– 13:30 

Site Visit

13:30 – 14:30 

Lunch break

14:30 – 15:30

Introduction and site expert' keynote 

15 :30- 16:30 

Workshop-related papers and cases

TRACK 2 | Session 4: ActiCity - designing physically active cities


Designing ActiCity, Slawomir Ledwon

ISO386: The "human community" in the eye of the future cities' vision. The VARCITIES Project approach, Elisavet Tsekeri

ISO68: Health promoting urban green spaces: exploring pathways for mapping and analysis in Flanders (Belgium), Peter Vervoort & Ann Pisman

Acti(nno)vation – different ways to an active lifestyle, Markus Appenzeller

16:30 -17:00

Coffee break

17:00 - 18:30

Workshop Charette discussion


Bus departure to Msheireb

Workshop Topic:

Having a strategic development framework for the provision of sports and a wide variety of open spaces play an important role in creating active and livable cities. For Qatar, such a development framework was built upon the nation's commitment to become a world leader in attracting and hosting various world-class sporting events addressing both Olympic and FIFA planning requirements. 

The Aspire sports city is a major urban development initiative that aims to consolidate and integrate world sports and recreational resources for both athletes and the community which promote it to be the main sports hub of the country.

In this workshop, a walking tour will be conducted to visit one of FIFA 2022 stadiums "Khalifa Stadiu ...

ASPIRE Zone 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Doha, Qatar ajuurinen@xtalks.com
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Track 2 : Well-Being and Health

Location: Aspire 

Workshop Schedule:

10:45 - 11:00 

Assembly time


Bus departure to Aspire

11:30– 13:30 

Site Visit

13:30 – 14:30 

Lunch break

14:30 – 15:30

Introduction and site expert' keynote 

15 :30- 16:30 

Workshop-related papers and cases

TRACK 2 | Session 4: ActiCity - designing physically active cities


Designing ActiCity, Slawomir Ledwon

ISO386: The "human community" in the eye of the future cities' vision. The VARCITIES Project approach, Elisavet Tsekeri

ISO68: Health promoting urban green spaces: exploring pathways for mapping and analysis in Flanders (Belgium), Peter Vervoort & Ann Pisman

Acti(nno)vation – different ways to an active lifestyle, Markus Appenzeller

16:30 -17:00

Coffee break

17:00 - 18:30

Workshop Charette discussion


Bus departure to Msheireb

Workshop Topic:

Having a strategic development framework for the provision of sports and a wide variety of open spaces play an important role in creating active and livable cities. For Qatar, such a development framework was built upon the nation's commitment to become a world leader in attracting and hosting various world-class sporting events addressing both Olympic and FIFA planning requirements. 

The Aspire sports city is a major urban development initiative that aims to consolidate and integrate world sports and recreational resources for both athletes and the community which promote it to be the main sports hub of the country.

In this workshop, a walking tour will be conducted to visit one of FIFA 2022 stadiums "Khalifa Stadium", experience 360o view from the highest building in the country "The Torch" and explore the main multi-purpose sports hall "Aspire Dome", then the participants will be introduced to the national sports and recreational facilities development framework as well as the detailed development framework for the two phases of Aspire Sports City. The workshop will be conducted in Aspire dome's auditorium with roundtable discussion to persuade a dialogue related to the international and local role of sports hubs within active cities, lessons learnt and the way forward to maintaining efficient and resilient legacy. 

Workshop Coordinators: 

  • Mona Noureldin
  • Noor Al-Humaidi

ISOCARP Workshop Representative:

  • Markus Appenzeller

Health promoting urban green spaces: exploring pathways for mapping and analysis in Flanders (Belgium)View Abstract
Research Paper2: Well-being and health. Al-Fereej: caring for living conditions 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM (Asia/Qatar) 2021/11/09 08:00:00 UTC - 2021/11/09 15:00:00 UTC
Flanders (Belgium) is an urbanised region characterised by urban sprawl: a conglomeration of rather small urban centres and villages, within a patchwork of scattered development, fragments of nature, forest or agricultural areas. Recently private urban green space in Flanders has been mapped (Somers, Van Valckenborgh, & Strosse, 2020), complementing existing datasets and knowledge on green space. Between walls, fences, buildings and streets a lot of green spaces can be discovered. Gardens occupy at least 10 percent of the land area in Flanders. Taking also the greenery of schools, care institutions, castle parks and companies into account, (private) green space makes up around one-fifth of the territory. A growing scientific evidence supports positive effects of these green spaces on health outcomes. Research indicates interaction with green space is associated with a lower mortality and morbidity (Kondo, Fluehr, McKeon, & Branas, 2018). Evidence also suggests green space availability is related to improved physical and mental health (Bowler, Buyung-Ali, Knight, & Pullin, 2010; Lee & Maheswaran, 2010). Hence the development of urban green space is often advocated to be an inexpensive and effective way to improve neighbourhood liveability and to contribute to preventive health care. However green space is relatively scarce, especially in urban environments. Moreover, the presence of urban green space is not evenly distributed and accessible, also the level of quality can vary significantly. In line with the important European policy intention to avoid additional land take, further densification and infill development is to be expected. This could result in diminishing the supply of urban green spaces while at the same time increasing the demand due to the increase in population density. Our research aims to produce evidence on spatial differentiation of health promoting urban green space, suitable for actionable spatial planning in a context of densification. In literature and practice urban green space is approached and studied from very different angles, perspectives and goals, resulting in a wide range of methods for mapping and analysis. Drawing from a critical review of existing methods and practices, confronted with evidence on the linkage between green space and health, a framework for analysis is established. Using available (geo)data possible pathways for mapping and analysis at a regional level in Flanders (Belgium) are explored. The results provide insights on mapping and analysing the spatial distribution of urban green space from a health promotion perspective in a Western European urban setting as a stepping stone to guide more context specific research and spatial policy. REFERENCES Bowler, D. E., Buyung-Ali, L., Knight, T. M., & Pullin, A. S. (2010). A systematic review of evidence for the added benefits to health of exposure to natural environments. BMC Public Health, 10, 456. Kondo, M., Fluehr, J., McKeon, T., & Branas, C. (2018). Urban green space and its impact on human health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3). doi:10.3390/ijerph15030445 Lee, A., & Maheswaran, R. (2010). The health benefits of urban green spaces: a review of the evidence. Journal of Public Health, 54(3), 6. Somers, B., Van Valckenborgh, J., & Strosse, V. (2020). Garmon. The Garden Monitor - mapping and characterizing gardens using remote sensing. Brussels: Belgian Science Policy Office.
Presenters Peter Vervoort
PhD-Researcher, University Of Antwerp
Ann Pisman
Prof., Ghent University
The “human community” in the eye of the future cities’ vision. The VARCITIES Project approachView Abstract
Research Paper2: Well-being and health. Al-Fereej: caring for living conditions 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM (Asia/Qatar) 2021/11/09 08:00:00 UTC - 2021/11/09 15:00:00 UTC
In an increasingly urbanized world, governments and international corporations strive to increase productivity of cities, recognized as economy growth hubs, as well as ensuring a better quality of life and living conditions to citizens. Although significant effort is performed by international organizations, researchers, etc. to transform the challenges of cities into opportunities, the visions of our urban future are trending towards bleak. Social services and health facilities are significantly affected in negative ways owed to the increase in urban populations while issues such as air pollution and urban heat islands are being exacerbated. Nature will struggle to compensate for this in future cities, as rural land is predicted to shrink by 30% affecting livability. VARCITIES puts the citizen and the “human community” in the eye of the future cities’ vision. The vision of VARCITIES is to implement real, visionary ideas and add value by establishing sustainable models for increasing H&WB of citizens that are exposed to diverse climatic conditions and challenges around Europe through shared public spaces that make cities livable and welcoming.
Elisavet Tsekeri
Dionysia Kolokotsa
Technical University Of Crete
Aikaterini Lilli
Technical University Of Crete
Kurt Calleja
The Centre For Entrepreneurship And Business Incubation University Of Malta
Daniel Micallef
Department Of Environmental Design, University Of Malta
Adriano Bisello
Senior Researcher, Eurac Research, Institute For Renewable Energy
Deputy head of Strategic Planning and Studies Unit
Ministry of Municipality and Environment
Congress Director, Senior Urban Planning Specialist
Ministry of Municipality and Environment
Founder + Partner, Head of Urbanism
MLA+, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture
University of Antwerp
Ghent University
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