Special Sessions/Forums/Side Events Virtual Room 1
Oct 29, 2021 12:00 Noon - 01:30 PM(Asia/Qatar)
20211029T1200 20211029T1330 Asia/Qatar Virtual Only | Special Session: 'The Matroesjka Effect’ - connecting scales of climate action in Eurodelta

Spatial planning aims to advocate for an inclusive future while addressing the pertinent challenges of climate change that we are currently facing. It is no longer sufficient to only have visions for the future but climate urgencies requires immediate actions and active cooperation. This session will focus on the context of Eurodelta, a highly dense urbanised megaregion with approximately 45 million inhabitants, sharing a common history, culture and identity, to address the topic of territorial climate planning. The session will address the question of how to combine the efforts and ensure collaborations to connect scales and impacts through allying forces of societal, systemic and design approaches? With a broader research into the implementation of the climate agendas with AIR, this session will include inspirations from supporting agendas such as the New European Bauhaus, Paris Climate Agreement and Davos chapter to fine tune and streamline the discussion towards conclusive strategies.

With the help of examples of best practices and lessons from the ground to provide background and context, the central theme of the session will focus on the climate ambitions outlined in the European Green Deal in the context of Eurodelta. The discussion will look towards connecting scales and approaches in creating a framework of societal and systemic actions for change. The program outlines Eurodelta mega-region as the context, the European Green deal as the theme and the results from the Architecture month as the background for discussion. The discussion will include following projects examples elaborated by the speakers. 

Projects in focus:

Het Energiesysteem van de Toekomst - Integrale Infrastructuurverk ...

Virtual Room 1 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Doha, Qatar ajuurinen@xtalks.com
15 attendees saved this session

Spatial planning aims to advocate for an inclusive future while addressing the pertinent challenges of climate change that we are currently facing. It is no longer sufficient to only have visions for the future but climate urgencies requires immediate actions and active cooperation. This session will focus on the context of Eurodelta, a highly dense urbanised megaregion with approximately 45 million inhabitants, sharing a common history, culture and identity, to address the topic of territorial climate planning. The session will address the question of how to combine the efforts and ensure collaborations to connect scales and impacts through allying forces of societal, systemic and design approaches? With a broader research into the implementation of the climate agendas with AIR, this session will include inspirations from supporting agendas such as the New European Bauhaus, Paris Climate Agreement and Davos chapter to fine tune and streamline the discussion towards conclusive strategies.

With the help of examples of best practices and lessons from the ground to provide background and context, the central theme of the session will focus on the climate ambitions outlined in the European Green Deal in the context of Eurodelta. The discussion will look towards connecting scales and approaches in creating a framework of societal and systemic actions for change. The program outlines Eurodelta mega-region as the context, the European Green deal as the theme and the results from the Architecture month as the background for discussion. The discussion will include following projects examples elaborated by the speakers. 

Projects in focus:

The format of the session is a 90 minutes roundtable discussion with presentations from two speakers followed by open discussion and debate. The session will end with a Q&A session via live audience or via chat. 

Programme: (in CEST)

11:00 – 11:15 Welcome and Introduction (Eurodelta scale and Climate Actions) by Paul Gerretsen (Deltametropolis Association)  

11:15  11:30 Presentation 1: Societal Climate Planning by Silvia Assalini (Climate Policy & Energy Governance, ICLEI European Secretariat) (10 mins presentation + 5 mins questions) 

11:30 – 11:35 Poll + Reactions from Paul Gerretsen (Deltametropolis Association)

11:35 – 11:50 Presentation 2: Energy Infrastructure Network by Alan Croes (Energy System Planning - System Outlook, Tennet) (10 mins presentation + 5 mins questions)

11:50 – 11:55 Audience reactions (Introducing Mural Board) 

11:55 – 12:10 Panel discussion with speakers moderated by Paul Gerretsen 

12:10 – 12:30 Questions from audience 

Officer - Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience
ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability
Deltametropolis Association
 Mario Corbi
ISOCARP - Technical Administrator
Deltametropolis Association
City University of Hong Kong
Miss Mengyao Gao
Beijing Forestry University
Senior Research & Teaching Associate
University of Ljubljana
Program Navigator
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